joi, 15 mai 2008


Why would anyone in he's right mind would pay 35mil$ for this:

but seriously.. this painting has broke the record for the most expensive art made by a artist still alive...

look dont get me rong... i dont have anything against fat ppl.... but let's get real... who would hang that on the walls of their living room..and stare at it. Ok everybody has the right to have a taste..we're different ppl hence different taste in art... but... cmon....
i know toulouse-lautrec was fascinated by the night life of cheap and old prostitues and kept their memory in his work... but that's.. u know... a hobby let's say, there is sometimes much more to a prostitute than meets the eye.. but this painting?.. this is a naked, fat, old woman..
ok i can understand that anatomy in a painting is very important... but to a certain point i think ... i believe art should stimulate yr imaination a bit... make u question something... or something pleasent to the eye.... but...again.. cmon is this really 35 milion dollars worth of pleasent?
btw the name of the painting is : "benefits supervisor sleeping"

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