marți, 17 iunie 2008

Affirmative action

I've seen tonight one of those movies that make you question things or at least put them in an other perspective. I saw a month ago, this stand up representation from Dave Chapelle, funny man, i laughed at all his jokes except black jokes. Why? I have no knowledge of black versus white, no actual idea of the conflict of those who have different skin color. I've never been looked down because i'm white and i never looked down on somebody because they are black, mostly because there aren't many black people around, and by not many i mean a more or less of 20 people in this city. We do have racism here, just not against black people, we have it against gypsy people.
The movie didn't disrupted my peaceful living by showing me that there are white people, who hate by no reason other than skin color, the black people but showed me of how deep in shit you must get to realize that hating somebody for no reason is the most brainless thing that you could do.
Bad things happen to all kinds of people, no matter the race, the skin color or the religion. But somehow people chose those criteria to hurt other people, taking no responsibility for there own actions. There is a line in the movie "American History X", the black teacher puts it to his ex white student. The student was incarcerated for killing two black people with extreme violence, he was part of a gang that hated all immigrants, and he was just visited by his ex teacher in prison after being raped by one of the white guys because he didn't agree with them. And the line was:
"-Has anything you've done made your life better? "
You can choose to hate people that you never talked to in your life or you could just live your life.
We don't have black people to pick on, we have gypsy people, we could talk for hours on how we are not racist with them, but that would be pointless and untrue. We could even talk about how they don't help each other, how they refuse to educate there own kids. The story has many points of view and depending on who's telling the story you might get inclined to be on one or the other side of the barricade, because it is a barricade. However Affirmative Action means that the minorities not only would have access to free education but should have assured in different government activities, jobs. Secured by the state. Maybe would mean a lot to know that day by day the gypsy will understand that they actually have a chance and we will understand that they deserve more than one.
It is just wishfull thinking, but bottom line is that in US people have for the first time in their short history the possibility to vote for a black man as the president of their country. They came a long way, a very hard way and it's far from over. But if they can overcome their one prejudice in the end why can't we believe that people are just people, and stop believing that the earth was made by white people to rule in it.
The point is live and let others live and never treat people the way you would not want to be treated!
And also watch the movie American History X :d

Un comentariu:

Calianu spunea...

I liked the movie. Go Hillary :))