vineri, 27 iunie 2008

I kill you!

Gun control... or how Monty in 25th Hour put it: "Give me a fucking break!"

The Supream Court of the US rulled in favor .. of no gun control, apparently the judges there think that everybody should have a gun. I'm guessing the judges fear that if aren't enough guns on the street people would somehow get along and not get into illegal actions hence not in court and they would be out of business.

How in God's name you can make a decission like that? What incredibly brilliant mind thought that if they let anyone take a pistol home they would be safer. In a country were kids get their parents guns and go on and shoot people in schools just because they can, or where teenagers show of the pistol his daddy has.. and some accident happens and somebody gets killed. YES makes total sense to let anyone have a gun!

Of course, they put in the law that the gun must be used only for protection.... it's like saying to a kid : Take this chocolate but eat it only if you are really really hungry! I'm not saying it's fair that every pathetic excuse for a gangster has a gun but the solution i'm pretty sure it isn't giving more guns, but in a legal environment. Giving this right of having a gun, is saying something like : You know, there is a law that protects you, but if you don't trust us for any reason whatsoever, here is a gun so you can apply your own law as you want to!

A "Way to go" for every one of those 5 judges that decided this was a good ideea!
p.s: it is possible you may be offended by the fact that i used the "f word "here, i had the option of putting something like "f******" but that would just be stupid.. coz it's only a word, so relax :d

4 comentarii:

Marius Mihalca spunea...

Maybe being free means also being able to choose between having a gun or not. Personally I don’t like guns and I am not a fan of the hunting also (neither people nor animals), but I understand the someones need to feel safe. If the saifty resides in having wappen then I can live with that. So, Didi relax and let them kill each other :)) .

Didi The Wise spunea...

i'm relaxed, i think.. but in my opinion: Freedom is overrated!! :D

Anonim spunea...

hehehehe....freedon is overrated :)
i think that all the bad guys will get a gun now in US and all the good guys will get a gun to protectthemsellfes againsat the bad it's not gonna be pretty.
anyway, what not look at this as simply a political/economical matter....

Anonim spunea...

i have to admit, i've never thought about it from a political/economical point of view. But i guess the government has friends who make guns, but as far as i know the US is selling enough weapons to terorists for a very nice profit without selling it to housewives.. but of course i forgot that: "it's all about the money"
thank you for reminding me :)